星期三, 十月 04, 2006

Money has aways been an issue!

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I'm having some financial issue recently.

Because of the floating rate, because of the oil price, because of the uncertain economy...Blah, blah...

What? I'm a business man. well, i will be a business man. All the stuffs going on around the world will be my concern.

Anyway, Money has always been a issue.


Things do not turn out the way you expected them to. I know, I know.

I feel depressed when I miserable over a long period of time.

Frustration is growing from my chest and all over my body.

People are always discontented, cos life is not giving you satisfaction. I know, I know.

I feel confused, I can't make sense of different conflicting in front of me.

What to do, which to choose.

I always feel excited when I was facing something new, and always inspired from something new.

But now, I'm anxious and uncertain about my future. Does not mean i can't sleep during the night.

Just feel not right though. Lots of things about to happen, it's time to ask myself a question seriously.

"Are you ready, man?"

I'm always ready to take, never give.

When I want, I ask, I don't get, I cry.


I'm going to take my 5th IELTS test on today next month.

The most thrilled thing is the date clash with my first uni exam, lottery chance, huh?

That's why i decided to contribute my space in english, just for now.

I'd better to get this IELTS motherf*cker rock!

I'll be alright, have some faith.
